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ITI Tools and Equipment

  1. Rheostat (Sliding type)

  2. 3- point D.C. Starter

  3. DOL (Direct on-line Starter)

  4. Star Delta Starter - Soft starter

  5. Discrete Component Trainer

  6. Linear I.C. Trainer

  7. Digital I.C. Trainer

  8. Oil Testing Kit

  9. Battery Charger

  10. Current Transformer

  11. Potential Transformer

  12. D.C. Shunt Generator with control panel

  13. Motor-Generator MG SET (AC to DC)

  14. D.C. Compound Generator with control panel

  15. DC Series Motor coupled with spring balance load

  16. DC Shunt Motor

  17. Motor-Generator MG SET (DC to AC)

  18. AC Squirrel Cage Motor

  19. AC phase-wound slip ring Motor

  20. Universal Motor with starter/switch

  21. Synchronous motor

  22. Thyristor /IGBT controlled D.C. motor drive

  23. Thyristor/IGBT controlled A.C. motor drive

  24. Electrical Machine Trainer

  25. Used DC Generators-series, shunt and compound type

  26. A.C. Series type Motor

  27. Ceiling fan coil Winding Machine

  28. Primary current injection set

  29. Stepper Motor with Digital Controller

  30. POWER ELECTRONICS TRAINER with at least 6 no’s of onboard applications

  31. Application kits for Microcontrollers 6 different applications

  32. Sensor trainer kit (containing Various sensors like Thermocouple, RTD, Thermocouple, load cell, strain gauge, LVDT, smoke sensors, speed sensor)

  33. Electro Hydraulic Trainer

  34. Pneumatic Trainer

  35. PLC Trainer

  36. Computer Hardware Trainer

  37. Optical Transducer Trainer kit.

  38. Simple Servomotor trainer kit.

  39. Hydraulics and Pneumatics simulator software

  40. LVDT Trainer Kit

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