ITI Tools and Equipment
Rheostat (Sliding type)
3- point D.C. Starter
DOL (Direct on-line Starter)
Star Delta Starter - Soft starter
Discrete Component Trainer
Linear I.C. Trainer
Digital I.C. Trainer
Oil Testing Kit
Battery Charger
Current Transformer
Potential Transformer
D.C. Shunt Generator with control panel
Motor-Generator MG SET (AC to DC)
D.C. Compound Generator with control panel
DC Series Motor coupled with spring balance load
DC Shunt Motor
Motor-Generator MG SET (DC to AC)
AC Squirrel Cage Motor
AC phase-wound slip ring Motor
Universal Motor with starter/switch
Synchronous motor
Thyristor /IGBT controlled D.C. motor drive
Thyristor/IGBT controlled A.C. motor drive
Electrical Machine Trainer
Used DC Generators-series, shunt and compound type
A.C. Series type Motor
Ceiling fan coil Winding Machine
Primary current injection set
Stepper Motor with Digital Controller
POWER ELECTRONICS TRAINER with at least 6 no’s of onboard applications
Application kits for Microcontrollers 6 different applications
Sensor trainer kit (containing Various sensors like Thermocouple, RTD, Thermocouple, load cell, strain gauge, LVDT, smoke sensors, speed sensor)
Electro Hydraulic Trainer
Pneumatic Trainer
PLC Trainer
Computer Hardware Trainer
Optical Transducer Trainer kit.
Simple Servomotor trainer kit.
Hydraulics and Pneumatics simulator software
LVDT Trainer Kit